Build your resume

As they say ‘First impression is the last impression’, it’s important that the first impression you have on your potential employer be a good one. You can more often than not do it having a systematic and flawless resume. A resume that speaks about you and your professional skills in a clear and crisp manner. So let’s get started..

Depending on the type of job/role you wish to apply, mainly following types can be employed to build your resume

1) chronological
2) functional
3) combination
4) targeted

Chronological Resume:

Chronological resumes are the most commonly used format. As the name suggests, your complete work history is listed in a chronological order.

Making a career timeline is a good option.This gives the employer a quick glance of your professional career. Having a timeline in descending order, starting from the latest one is a better idea.

Functional Resume:

This format of the resume focuses on your skillset and experience first. It emphasizes your professional skills and not the time period of your work history.
This is a good idea in case there has been a break between your jobs. Freshers or job seekers with less experience may use this format. It’s a good idea to elaborate the work you have done in order to showcase your skills.

Combination Resume:

This is a combination of the chronological and functional resume types. Along with the timeline you can also mention in detail about your professional journey.
You can decide what part you wish to emphasize in your resume. This is good option when you are applying for managerial positions or roles of the middle management in a company.

Targeted Resume:

This type focuses more on emphasizing about the level to which your credentials, degree(s) and work experience are in the line with the job requirement you wish to apply for.
You need to see to it that while highlighting the skills in line with the available job you don’t forget to brief the hiring manager about your other skills as well, to showcase your complete skillset.

Wish to get your resume build professionally ? drop us an email on [email protected]